

Health and Drug Education Booklet for Parents

In order to meet the health and anti-drug needs of different ethnic groups, funded by the Beat Drugs Fund, CDAC published the “Health and Drug Education Booklet for Parents” this year. We hope through the promotion of the booket, we will be able to promote a healthier lifestyle to the ethnically diverse community, spread the knowledge of drug harms and make everyone easier to access to community resources. The booklet is also available in English, Hindi, Udur, Nepali and Thai.

Free download:
Health and Drug Education Booklet for Parents (ENG)

Health and Drug Education Booklet for Parents (Hindi)

Health and Drug Education Booklet for Parents (Nepali)

Health and Drug Education Booklet for Parents (Thai)

Health and Drug Education Booklet for Parents (Urdu)

家長健康與藥物教育小冊子 (中文版)